How To Get Wireless Internet Through My Laptop

wifi One of the major benefits of owning a laptop is the ability to have access to your files and applications anywhere you go. Newer laptops now include a built-in wireless card, which allows for Internet access using your wireless home network or a public Wi-Fi hotspot. Setting up your laptop to take advantage of a Wi-Fi network is a quick and simple process and can be accomplished by Windows laptop users of all experience levels.

Right-click the Windows wireless connection icon on the right side of the taskbar. Select “View Available Wireless Networks” from the pop-up menu.Choose the wireless network you’d like to connect to by clicking it once. Once the network is highlighted, click the Connect” button at the bottom of the screen.

Enter the wireless network’s WEP or WPA key if instructed. If you’re asked for a WEP or WPA key and you’re trying to access a Wi-Fi hotspot at a coffeeshop or restaurant, you may have to ask an employee to supply you with the key.

Open a Web browser after Windows tells you that your laptop has connected successfully. Visit a Web page to make sure you can access the Internet.

Connect Your Mobile Internet to a Laptop

mobile internetThere are many options for connecting your laptop computer to the internet. Internet technology has come a long way since the old dial-up modems and cables; many users now surf the Internet using wireless routers. You can even connect your laptop to wireless Internet from anywhere in the world through your mobile broadband provider.

Open your Web browser and navigate to a mobile broadband provider’s  website. Sprint, Verizon and AT&T are some of the companies that offer mobile broadband Internet. Select a data plan and purchase the USB modem that will be used to connect to the mobile broadband network.


Insert the installation disc that comes with your data plan into the  disc drive of your computer. Follow the instructions to set up the application necessary to connect to the mobile broadband network.

Connect the USB modem to one of the USB slots on your computer. Run  the application you installed in Step 2. Your mobile broadband Internet  should appear in the list of wireless networks.

Locate your mobile network and click the “Connect” button.Open your  Web browser and surf the Web as you would with any Internet connection.


Another option may be tethering. Many smartphones can now be used as a mobile broadband modem. Your phone and computer may be connected by USB cable or wirelessly.

Some networks allow full speed mobile broadband access, while others supply slower speeds. There may be an extra charge for this from your mobile network operator. There may also be overage charges, especially if you are a heavy user.